During the Mayan empire, indigo was combined with clay and incense to create a pigment known as Maya blue. The pigment was said to hold the healing power of water in the agricultural community. Created by combining medicinal materials, Maya blue was used for ceremonial purposes in the Mayan Culture.
The indigo series explores that history by paying tribute to the unimaginable power of Maya blue. The pigment represents the continuity of life, death, prosperity, history, and culture. The pieces within the series entitled: La Corriente que Nos Une, Fuentes de Vida, and Las Raíces que Fluyen de Mi, all reference the life force of water.
The vessels, like breasts, reference maternal nourishment as the fibers flow from the central point of the ceramic component and billow out into space. Although the work contains a personal narrative of my own cultural roots, the work also pays tribute to the rich history of materials and to those who came before us.